Thursday, July 16, 2009

"Savoy Special"

I've had this blog for months. No idea what to write about. Or why I made it about animation. It will be surprising if this turns out to have anything to do with it.

I just finished watching "The Natural", for the first time. Its the kind of film that captures the American spirit, and even manages to reinvigorate that spirit during a time where it feels all but lost. And some how it got me to start writing.

If my relatively short life were a film, this would be the end of the second act. The hero, yours truly, is at his lowest. Broken and poor, I'm discouraged beyond all belief. I feel lost. Two days away from selling everything I have and moving to Spain to be a studio artist. But not yet.

My dream still lives inside me. Deep in my heart. I've got a natural talent. A devout passion for the art. But without perfecting that talent, it ain't worth a damn. Barcelona will have to wait.

Tune in next time to see if our hero concurs adversity and captures The American Dream.

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